Benefits Brief – January 2019
Happy New Year!  Welcome to the January 2019 edition of the Crane Agency Benefits Brief. This month you will find information on several legislative and compliance updates, which may impact your benefits program in 2019.  These changes include updated minimum wage rates for 2019 and the EEOC’s removal of incentive limits from employer-sponsored Wellness Plans. In addition, we have provided an overview of Paid Family & Medical Leave laws recently enacted in MA, NY, WA & DC.  In the HR Brief, we have provided some updated plan limits for 2019, along with tips to prepare for “Gen Z” entering the workforce.  Finally, our Live Well, Work Well Newsletter provides health & wellness tips for your work and life in the coming year.
Thank you for your continued confidence in the Crane Agency Benefits Department.  It is our pleasure to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact your agent or service representative if we can be of assistance.