About Brian Risinger

Brian Risinger joined Crane in 2019 after selling his selling his landscaping business in 2018. His family has been in the insurance industry for 70 years, so after selling his business, insurance was a natural fit. His desire to work with contractors led Brian to the Crane Agency. Crane’s vast resources coupled with the ability for Brian to own his insurance business, made coming to Crane a natural fit.

Brian has continued to grow his relationships with contractors around the St. Louis Metro and is active in the SITE Improvement Association where he serves on the Young Executives of SITE Committee.

As an insurance broker at Crane, Brian is offered the ability to serve his clients how they want to be served. Crane is not owned by any national firm or private equity group, which means there are no directives outside of those given by his clients.

When not in the office, Brian can be found outside either fishing, hunting, or on a piece of equipment on his ground in Warrenton. Discussing business ideas with clients that have become close friends is also a favorite. Brian truly enjoys spending time with his wife Devon, and three children, Emma, Patricia, and Augustus whether it’s youth sports or out on the water fishing.


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